• Good Dental Hygiene Impacts Overall General Health
    There are many ways in which your oral health has an impact on your overall general health. There are naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth. Some of those bacteria, including Read more
  • Make this the Year You Stop Smoking
    It’s a new year, and it couldn’t come fast enough for many of us! Let’s do our part to make this a better year in every way—and you can start Read more
  • Resolving to Eat Better in the New Year
    It’s a new year, and a resolution found on many lists is learning to be more mindful about healthy food choices. You might have set some of these goals yourself. Read more
  • Aging and Dental Health
    What’s life like for the average 60-year-old today? It’s complicated! We travel. Or we work out. Or we relax with friends. We pursue favorite hobbies or we develop new ones. Read more
  • Smoking and Dental Implants
    Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to replace a missing tooth with an implant. While an implant will restore the appearance of your smile, you also know that there are many Read more
  • ‘Tis the Season—for Healthy Dental Choices!
    It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but if you’re dashing through the snow to an emergency dental appointment, you’re not feeling very jolly. And post-holiday, no Read more
  • Losing a Baby Tooth
    It seems like yesterday. There you were, comforting your baby through sleepless nights, soothing her with a dentist-approved teether, celebrating as that first tiny tooth poked through her gums. And Read more
  • Thanksgiving in North America
    Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving Read more
  • What to Look for when Choosing a Mouthwash
    Mouthwash is important for more than just keeping your breath fresh and smelling great. Combined with other forms of dental hygiene, it can help prevent plaque, cavities, gingivitis, and other Read more
  • The Purpose of a Dental Crown
    A dental crown, otherwise known as a cap, covers an infected tooth and can vary in function, depending on the position of the tooth. Crowns cover all the visible parts Read more
  • November Marks National Diabetes Awareness Month
    Diabetes is a chronic disease that increases the risk for many serious health problems, including severe gum disease. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and it’s a great time for us Read more
  • The Intriguing History of Halloween
    Halloween is fast approaching, and the doctor wanted to be sure to wish our patients a happy day, no matter how you might celebrate this holiday. The Halloween that is Read more
  • Energy Drinks and Dental Health
    Are energy drinks bad for your teeth? Many of our patients at Brian J. Hunt, DDS ask us this question, so here’s the scoop. Energy drinks have been on the rise, Read more
  • Are there foods that whiten teeth?
    Coffee. Blueberries. Red wine. Tomato sauce. They might please our palate, but they are notorious for staining our teeth. Luckily, nature has balanced the scales for us! Here are just Read more
  • Fall’s in the Air? Think Fall Dental Care
    Whether you already miss the sun’s bright rays, or can’t wait for some cool, crisp weather and colorful leaves, summer is making way for fall. And the change of seasons Read more
  • Is Charcoal Teeth Whitening Safe?
    Health and beauty trends surface on the web every day, and it can be difficult to tell which ones are worth your time, or even safe, for that matter. Perhaps Read more

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Brian J. Hunt, DDS

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